Even if prostitution doesn’t always take place in connection with Human Trafficking, the sexual exploitation of women or girls is still the most common form of Human Trafficking.
TERRE DES FEMMES-Campaign "Aufenthaltsrecht für Opfer von Zwangsprostitution, jetzt!" © Uwe Steinert
In an atmosphere of continual threat and control, it is very difficult for the concerned women to break out of that relationship of dependency. It is often a long process that requires a lot of courage. And along with that comes worry about the unknown future.
HOPE FOR THE FUTURE would like to begin here and offer support to women and girls, who want to get out of prostitution.
Video by European Commission Home Affairs
Length: 5:38 min | Date: 19/06/2012
Teodora, a young Romanian woman tells how she was forced into Prostitution in Belgium.
"You can never forget, never."
Documentary Trailer for Nefarious: Merchant of Souls by Exodus Cry
Web: www.nefariousdocumentary.com | Length: 2:24 min