HOPE FOR THE FUTURE has offered work training sessions since February 2016. This means that those, who have gotten out of prostitution, have begun to produce accessories, under guidance.
In order to expand these trainings, we are searching for sponsors for the following item donations:
In order to reach and to steward the concerned women as well as possible, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE works closely together with organizations, which are specialized in Streetwork, in particular in the field of prostitution. Beyond this, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE strives for a close networking with organizations, which are active in the area of fighting against Human Trafficking – nationally and internationally.
We also invite firms and businesses to enter into partnership with us to offer the concerned women a variety of lasting and dignified employment opportunities.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains,
but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
(Nelson Mandela)