The objective for HOPE FOR THE FUTURE is that our trainees, after a successful stabilisation and training phase, are then ready to be integrated into the job market. But even at this stage, the job search is not easy, and there is still a call for assisted, transitional jobs, in order to guide our clients a step further on the way towards self-chosen, job independency.

From this idea, arose a cooperation with a seminar hotel in Lower Austria.

For the first time, our trainees have the possibility to gain up to 2 years experience working in an upright, part-time position within a hotel branch. They can work collaboratively within the departments of Room Service, Upkeep, Kitchen, Cleaning, or Garden Maintenance, or according to wherever the hotel has opportunities to integrate the trainees into an existing team. Furthermore, situated on-site, there will be a well-furnished but affordable living option available.

Due to their traumatic past, we will work with the brand-new hotel employees, along with the support of a social care worker, addressing themes such as:


  • Organisation of one’s leisure time
  • Setting personal goals and achieving them
  • Dealing with finances
  • Housekeeping

Together, all of this, should support them in sustainable ways of successfully shaping their lives and working futures.

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE | Verein zur Förderung von Personen, die von Menschenhandel bzw. Prostitution betroffen sind

EMAIL: | TELEFON: +43 (0)677 614 815 00 | ADRESSE: 1090 Wien, Badgasse 1-7/5/4