HOPE FOR THE FUTURE offers people who want to step out of prostitution and victims of human trafficking the active possibility of an occupational new beginning, developing steps on that way together with them.

It has become evident that especially women and men who had experienced sexual exploitation in the past are struggling seriously to successfully establish themselves on the job market without any preliminary support and preparation. After such traumatizing experiences in all forms of exploitation the main focus has to be on stabilizing psychologically and finding their way back into the regular routines of everyday life. As most of them are foreigners their lack of German skills poses another big challenge.

This is where our workshops come in. They enable our trainees to develop their skills and talents in a safe and personally reassuring environment. But it is not just about skills, the trainings aim at achieving different goals:

  • Establishing a structured daily routine
  • Strengthening social skills
  • Assessing individual capabilities
  • Increasing work capacity/resilience
  • Conveying core values necessary for the workforce (punctuality, dependability, orderliness, flexibility)

In February 2016 HOPE FOR THE FUTURE started to offer such workshops as workforce
 preparation. Under guidance of our highly 
motivated trainers they learn step by step how to produce different kinds of sewing 


After starting to practice the first straight seam 
they work their way towards the first fancy 
scarf – and soon they start tackling more 
complex trendy bags and backpacks.

Each piece is unique –

individually designed and


It is great to see how proud our
 trainees are of their accomplishments.

In the meanwhile we additionally offer workshops
 covering areas like knitting or jewelry making.


Of course we do not miss out on supporting 
the language skills of our trainees.
 Since October 2016 we are offering German conversation classes on a twice-a-week basis.


HOPE FOR THE FUTURE | Verein zur Förderung von Personen, die von Menschenhandel bzw. Prostitution betroffen sind

EMAIL: | TELEFON: +43 (0)677 614 815 00 | ADRESSE: 1090 Wien, Badgasse 1-7/5/4